This letter is found in Sa'adatul Anam bi Aqwali Shaykh al-Islam p11.
In the letter, Shaykh began by explaining the position of politics in Islam, wherein he states that politics and Islam aren't entirely disentangled. Hence, it is possible for the men of the religion to venture into politics; vote & be voted for without blemishing their faith.
He then distinguishes a religious politician from a non-religious one, which is the determining factor upon which the earlier point is built.
The difference is:
A religious politician Islamizes politics while a non religious politician politicizes Islam.
This point is an important one to note as political participation in general depends upon it. In a numerical format, here are the advices from Shaykh (r) as contained in the letter:
1. Participate in Politics for Good Reasons
A Muslim's involvement in politics should be to further the values which al-Islām represents; peace, equality, progress, morality, love, brotherhood, as well as the protection of faith, life, lineage, intellect & property for all members of state without discrimination.
In contrast, a non religious politician involves in politics for his personal need; to acrue wealth and status. Shaykh warns that whoever does this is similar to the one who sells his priced Ākhirah for this petty dunya (wal 'iyādhu biLlāh).
This context is also applicable to the voters, campaigners, election workers, etc. as there are those whose participation in politics is to uphold the values that Islam represents and those whose participation is for selfish reasons.
Hence, it is necessary to consider politics by their purpose and to take same consideration while voting.
2. Say the Truth However Bitter it is
The election season is marked with lies flying from corner to corner. Remember that the angels of records are not on holidays.
Shaykh says:
I beg you in the name of Allāh to always say the truth however bitter.
Desist from all forms of lies, which includes hypocrisy, propaganda, fake news, deception and other similar forms of sins which are forbidden regardless of place, reason & season.
3. Free yourself from the assumptions that any creature has power, might or will, to win the election or bring change against the ordainment of Allāh.
While it is necessary to vote our choice, we must also remember that sovereignty belongs ONLY to the Almighty. We must not assume that our salvaging lies in the hands of any polician, nor shall we engage in the use of force or thuggery in a bid to alter the ordainment of Allāh. Fear Allāh and maintain peace.
4. Accept Fate and be Contented with Allāh's Ordainments
That is to say, whatever the outcome of the election is, it was pre-destined by Allāh as a trial to us all. Hence, we must accept it in good fate and commit ourselves to prayers that the outcome shall benefit us.
5. Allign with Whoever Wins
This is also part of politics as Shaykh explained. He advised us to cooperate with the leaders, in as much as their activities does not negate the teachings of Islam, for indeed, there is no obedience to the creation in disobeying the creator.
This, and always remember that “perhaps you might dislike a thing and it is good for you, and you may love a thing and it is bad for you, Allāh knows while you do not know” [Q2:216]
اللّٰهُمَّ اجعل إختيارك إختيارنا ولا تجعل إلا إليك إضطرارنا، آمين
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