Khushu' (concentration) in Salat is very important, as without it, a great purpose of our Salat is defeated. Attaining khushu' in an ever flinching world could be a great challenge but here are a few tips I believe can help fix that, in sha Allah.
1. Learn about Salat
Learn about the source, virtue & reward of Salat. Knowing this will help you value the entire process. Learn about the different positions in Salat (qiyam - standing, ruku' - genuflection, sujud - prostration, julus - sitting), the supplications in them, the best ways to do them & the different variations.
2. Do number (1) above frequently
You can't assume you're perfect in Salat (even if you are). You need to revisit your teacher/classes/books at least once every month in order to continuously remind yourself about them. Also try to learn a new thing about Salat every now and then.
3. Switch things up
Learn the different variations of supplications for Du'a ul Iftitah (opening supplication), Ruku' (genuflection), Sujud (prostration), Tashahhud (statement of Witness during siting) et cetera & then, switch them up from time to time. This is more consistent with the Sunnah & since switching requires consciousness, it helps you pay attention.
4. Free yourself from internal & external distractions before praying
External distractions include noise, smell, dirt, uncomfortable clothing, etc., while internal ones include feelings and emotions such anger, hunger, being pressed, depression etc.
Free yourself from all these before approaching Allah.
5. Change your perception towards Salat
Salat isn't just a chore you must do to escape Jahannam. Yes it is, but it's also your daily appointment with your Beloved Creator. It is the Mi'raj of believers, during which you're closest to Him. Don't pray so you can rest. Find rest during Salat.
6. Adhere to the Jam'i (for the males)
Always strive to pray in congregation and while behind the Imam, always make sure you re-echo each takbir with your tongue, voice & mind. This is my favorite. Trust me, if you do just this, your khushu' can potentially go up by 50%.
7. Train yourself to remain seated after the Salat
Being accustomed to springing up immediately after Salat can be a source of distraction as it keeps you thinking of the next thing you wish to do after the Salat during the Salat. Plus you are missing out on a great reward by not remaining seated after Salat. So, sit back after Salat and make the prescribed supplications such as saying:
اللَّهُمَّ أَعنِّي على ذِكرِكَ وشُكرِكَ وحُسْنُ عِبَادَتكَ
Allahumma a'innee 'ala dhikriKa wa shukriKa wa husnu 'baadatiKa
"Oh Allah, aid me in remembering You, showing You gratitude and perfecting my worship of You.
May Allah aid us all in remembering Him as He should be remembered and salutations be unto Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
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