Unnoticed Effects of Western Education on Our Society - Delayed Marriage

The average age of getting married has increased by 5-8yrs for both men & women in a span of 30yrs. The tool that oversaw this increase was western education— a sham scheme of the west that keeps you too broke to be independent, too average to complain & too busy to realize it.

Western education is the "key to success". It programmed us to judge success by riches, yet 80% of forbes richest didn't get there through education.

Education isn't the best judge of knowledge, but those with a degree see themselves as inherently better than those without it. Education gives people this overbloated ego that makes them less predisposed to reality of things and more exposed to western indoctrination.

With the way things are going, I dare to say the biggest factor that necessitates education is the stigma of ignorance.

Parents insist that they must first "educate" their children before marriage. This has increased their right to dependency and expected marriage age. It might seem like nothing but 5-8yrs off productive lives can have a drastic effect on our population growth.

An effect that might not be accounted for by famous prediction models; who might have deliberately ignored it, so you don't even know its there— falsified statistics that ignore certain important factors is a highly potent malicious tool of the west.

A bonus disadvantage is the undeniable link delayed marriages has with the far-reach of immorality. The hormonal spikes that comes with maturity needs extra effort and God's guidance to keep under check.

With peer pressure and over-exposure acting over an inherently evil-inclining nafs, a new type of challenge, never before known to our community has been unleashed.

Giving your child proper home training isn't enough if you'd have to submit him/her to a scaled-up big brother house or university. The only thing that stands between them & their home training is a person s/he admires. If that person is ill-trained then they need prayers.

Further complicating issues, the entire process leaves a few people (parents) looking after more people (grown up children). A single father has to now cater for 3-5 able bodied men/women (>25 yrs) because they "need to go to school".

Parents are now more desperate than ever.

Each one needs to give his child "the best" (read: western education). They are so desperate to bring everything to their children; even the "tomorrow" they promised the youths, they took it home to their own kids.

Now the children of no-man wants the tomorrow he was promised, but its no where to be found. He can't afford to ask for it cos that will be regarded as biting the fingers that fed you.

Now we are all left to sit and watch in hopes that tomorrow will be kinder.
