Muslims around the world unanimously consider the month of Ramadan as their favorite time of the year. It is the month during which the Glorious Qur'an was revealed and whenever it comes around, everyone does their best to maximize their good deeds as much as possible. However, these ten (10) things may be standing between you and your desired maximization.
1. Waiting until you see the moon by yourself before you begin/stop fast
The Sunnah is to commence/end the fast when
i. You see the crescent moon
of Ramadan/Shawwal
ii. When it is seen by a person of unquestionable character.
iii. When it is seen by a group of people.
2. Skipping Sahur or Eating it too Early
Sahur is Sunnah. The Prophet (ﷺ) ordered us to make Sahur as it contains blessings. It is also Sunnah to delay the Sahur until the last part of the night. Between Sahur & Salat is enough time to recite 50 moderately long ayat.
3. Delaying the Iftar
The Prophet (ﷺ) said this Ummah will be upon goodness as long as it hastens to break the fast. This haste doesn't mean to actually break it before sunset as this vitiates the fasting. Just wait sufficiently long enough so you don't overshoot the time.
4. Sleeping all through the day in order to keep the Vigil
The days of Ramadan are equally as important. The du'a from the fasting person while he's fasting never misses. The fragrance from the pangs of a fasting Muslim making Dhikr is far better than the smell of Musk.
5. Participating in Ramadan Football tournament or Ramadan Cup etc.
This may not be in itself bad, but due to the presence of better things to do with time. I mean... The gates to Jannah are all open and those to Hell shut. You should be competing for Jannah not a cup that you can't even drink water from.
6. Israf (Excessiveness) in Iftar
It is recommended to make each Iftar a worthy feast, but that must happen within the ubiquitous limits of modesty. Don't waste. Engage in charity instead.
7. Not Assisting or Appreciating your Wives/Mothers/Sisters for what they do during Ramadan
The role our mothers/wives and sisters etc. play especially during these days should not go without appreciation. Not to mention that they are also taking away a huge chunk of the rewards while you are unaware. Help, thank, & show mercy.
8. Excessive Inhaling (istinshaq) during Wudhu and Violent Rinsing of the Mouth
This is because so doing may lead to water particles reaching one's throat, which isn't bad if done in error but should be controlled if there's the ability to do so.
9. Starting with a High Energy level that declines through the month
i. The Prophet (ﷺ) increased Ibadah as the month progressed
ii. Your energy should increase through the month not decline.
iii. It takes 19-22 days to learn a new habit. 30 days of Ramadan is your best chance at imbibing a new character that will abide by you all year long.
10. Eid Pics "Tournament"
The oft-repeating trend of snapping in jets, indecent clothing amongst others, which usually ensues into a social media competition is seldom Islamic. Allah already legislated looking good, so purify your intention and get rewarded for slaying modestly.
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